+44 07438448578

Aims, Policy & Practice

Aims, Policy & Practice

Our mission is to empower individuals: recognize the early signs of domestic abuse, make informed decisions for a better life, and contribute to making domestic abuse socially unacceptable.

Before the Centre became operational, both the police and victims encountered two significant challenges when engaging with local solicitors to obtain non-molestation orders.

Typically, solicitors were only open to taking on clients eligible for public funding or those able to pay privately. This left individuals deemed ‘not eligible’ without access to funds and protection.

The other primary issue was the lengthy process, with solicitors taking between two days and two weeks to get the client into court and secure the order.

We strongly believed that victims of domestic violence and abuse might be overwhelmed by the multitude of legal agencies offering assistance. Recognizing the need for a one-stop-shop, we aimed to address the concerns of those in an abusive situation in their language and on their terms. Furthermore, this streamlined service should be free and accessible to everybody

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