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Police & Agencies

Information For Police & Agencies

SNTDV collaborates with numerous police forces and agencies across the country. We take pride in extending our assistance to agencies without an in-house legal department, offering crucial civil protection information to the police. Our rapid referral system can be accessed at

It’s important to note that the Survivors’ Say no to Domestic Violence (SNTDV) is entirely self-funded and not reliant on government funding. We generate our own income, dedicating it to provide free legal support to victims of domestic violence and abuse.

Our singular objective is to facilitate the acquisition of civil orders—Non-Molestation Orders, Occupation Orders, and Prohibited Steps Orders—aimed at protecting the most vulnerable members of society.

We are a trusted resource for the police, councils, agencies, IDVAs, housing associations, the NHS, and various other entities. As part of their degree programs, we train law students to serve as McKenzie Friends and provide training to the police and agencies on civil orders.

SNTDV is the originator and administrator of the only nationwide injunction database for the police——ensuring access to injunctions for protection within 24 hours. Notably, one-third of all injunctions granted in the UK are facilitated through our efforts.

Crucially, all our services are provided free of charge. We have never and will never impose any fees on victims seeking protection from their abusers. When the law can make a difference, SNTDV stands ready to assist, empowering survivors with civil injunctions that enable them to reclaim their agency and confidently say ‘NO

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