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What is Domestic Abuse & violence

What is Domestic Abuse & Violence?

In essence, domestic violence represents the violent manifestation of domestic abuse, characterized by controlling, coercive, or threatening behavior between individuals aged 16 or older who are or have been intimate partners. Family members who are caregivers can also act as perpetrators.

Importantly, anyone can become a victim of domestic abuse or violence, irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexuality, or background. Domestic violence and abuse do not discriminate based on the nature of relationships, be they heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. It’s crucial to note that the abuse or violence may persist even after the intimate relationship has ended.

This mistreatment, typically spanning an extended period rather than a one-off incident, can manifest in various forms

This is behaviour involving violence, threats of violence, intimidation, coercion or abuse (including psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse) which can occur when perpetrators perceive that a relative has shamed the family and/or community by breaking their honour code, such as by perceived immoral behaviour.

Any of the above also applies when perpetrators of the abuse or violence are family members or carers. Family members are mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins whether directly related, in-laws or step-family.

The final word goes to the Crown Prosecution Service: “Domestic violence is a crime. We all have a role to play in bringing domestic violence to an end.”

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